
Focus and Direction Matters

This message and quote from the #DailyCalm has been a great reminder:

What you focus on grows, what you think about expands, and what you dwell upon determines your destiny.

— Robin Sharma

I love this time of year when I get to ponder and reflect on what I am most thankful for, celebrating our Savior through the Christmas season, and getting excited and motivated about a brand new year. I have been pondering on how I can better improve and reach my goals in 2023. As I have reflected on the goals that I fell short on this year, it has been because I lost focus on “my whys” which impacted how I thought and felt about my goals which led me to my outcomes.

I have outlined annual goals, but if I am not focusing on my next steps and the goals I need to complete this week… I am going to fall short. With improved processes and weekly reviews, I am excited for what I can accomplish this next year.

I have learned a lot and am ready to hit the ground running that starts now… not January 1st.