
Make 2023 Your Best Year Ever

At the end of every year, I love to look back over the months and reflect on how I have grown, lessons I have learned, and opportunities to improve. I have learned a lot about myself this year and things I want to change and improve. I also get really excited and motivated to make the next year my best year yet! One important lesson that I have learned over the years though is I don’t have to wait until January 1st to get started… in fact, it’s more beneficial to start now so I can create the momentum I need to keep accelerating by the time January starts.

I enjoy listening to Hal Elrod’s podcast and learn a lot and get inspired from him. His most recent episode titled “4 Unique Steps to Make 2023 Your Best Year” was really insightful and helped me craft and change my approach to how I want to plan and schedule my new year to reach my full potential. What do we need to do to ensure that 2023 is our best year yet? Listen to this episode and you’ll learn for yourself:

4 Unique Steps to Make 2023 Your Best Year

  1. Identify your values in the form of an affirmation.
  2. Set value-aligned goals.
    • What are the measurable, specific activities, habits, and outcomes that you will commit to this year that are meaningful for you to live in alignment with your values?
  3. Create a value-aligned schedule.
  4. Stick to your schedule and end each day reflecting on which values you lived in alignment with.

I liked Hal’s advice near the end of the episode:

If you want to make 2023 the best year of your life, literally, I just gave you my formula to do that. It’s about living in line with your values. But in order to do that, you really, I’m encouraging you to invest time over the next two weeks going into the new year, invest 30 minutes a day, ideally 30 minutes a day or more if you can, but focusing on this, focusing on identifying your values, focusing on getting specific around which specific aspects and activities can you do to be in alignment with your values and utilize that to set your value-aligned goals, do that over the next two weeks so that when you go into the new year, you go in with more clarity around what it’s going to take for you to live your best year ever, more clarity than maybe you’ve ever had before.

And please heed my advice to not let that week between Christmas and New Year’s completely be thrown to the wayside. Don’t let that be where you go. I’m just going to allow myself to develop a symbol, an arsenal of bad habits of overeating, oversleeping, overconsumption of media, all of these things. Like, do enjoy yourself, enjoy your holidays, enjoy the time with your family, but don’t be all or nothing, one way or the other, right? Don’t be all or nothing on just throwing caution to the wind and just go in. I’m going to overdo it.

And then, of course, don’t be a workaholic during that week, right? Like, lean towards relaxing and enjoying yourself. In fact, if all you do is just maintain those habits, where if you identify over the next week, if you follow these steps – step one, identify your values in writing in the form of an affirmation that you can read every day throughout the entire year so that you keep your values top of mind.

— Hal Elrod, 4 Unique Steps to Make 2023 Your Best Year

Hal’s Key Takeaways

  • Don’t use the holidays as an excuse for creating bad habits.
  • Focus on establishing positive momentum the last two weeks of the year.
  • The importance of getting clear on and living in alignment with your values.
  • Your best year ever starts with your day ever.
  • The four 4-step formula for designing your best year ever.