Mother playing with child.


I really appreciated and can relate to Emily Wilson’s post on Instagram. This is how she responds to the statement other women have told her when they said they were holier before they had kids:

I speak to many women who tell me they were holier before they had children – when they had lots of time to pray, journal, reflect, or visit a chapel in quiet.

This is what I tell them…

When you are loving your children. You are loving God.

When you are serving your children. You are serving God.

“I was hungry and you fed me.”
“I was thirsty and you gave me a drink.”
“I was naked and you clothed me.”
“I was sick and you took care of me.”

When I decided to find Christ in the faces of my children, and make every task to care for them an offering and a prayer, it changed everything.

Emily Wilson

When we are helping and serving others, we are doing God’s work… and some of God’s most important work, is done within the walls of our own homes. I love being a parent… it has giving a lens and an idea on how much our Heavenly Father loves and cares about us.