
Take Care of Ourselves So We Can Care for Others

If there is one principle I have learned from 2020, it would be the importance of making sure we are taking the time to take care of ourselves physically, mentally, socially, intellectually, and every other aspect of our life. I personally don’t believe in the phrase “work/life balance”… I believe in priorities.

There is a reason when flight attendants instruct passengers before takeoff how to buckle up and put an oxygen mask on in case there is a change in cabin pressure. I used to wonder why they emphasized putting on your own mask before helping others… but it makes perfect sense and is profound when you apply that principle to our own lives.

Our Savior Jesus Christ was always serving and giving His time to others. However, I really appreciated that even He took time for Himself to rest and for personal care. With this in mind, what areas of our life can we do less of and more of to care for ourselves?

I really love this quote that I read on Instagram:

God gave us a body to have the ability to love, feel and experience life to the fullest. He also gave us a body so that we could love and serve those around us. We are literally His hands here on the earth.

How much better can we serve our family, friends and neighbors when we are at our best? With healthy, strong bodies and minds we can better do His work.

— JJ Petersen, Clean Simple Eats

I know that as we tune our life more to #HearHim and take care of ourselves so we can bless others, we will become His hands to bless others.