The glory of God is intelligence.

The Glory of God Is Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) cannot always discern truth from error. It will never replace our responsibility to learn, grow, and become like God. Their knowledge is literally artificial. A machine will never replace the importance of us learning to making intentional choices the way God would. Part of this life is for us to become like Him. Part of that is growth is learning to make good choices. The glory of God is intelligence.

I really enjoyed this message from Music and The Spoken Word:

Computer science has given us some amazing technologies in the field of artificial intelligence, or AI. Among the most recent is chatbots. You can ask a chatbot a question, and it will respond with relevant, natural-sounding answers (see “ChatGPT: Everything You Really Need to Know (in Simple Terms),” by Bernard Marr, Forbes, Dec. 21, 2022, forbes.com). What’s more, you can ask a chatbot to write, draw and even sing. In less than two seconds, the chatbot can create poems, images and songs that are often surprisingly similar to what human authors and artists would produce.

However, it’s also worth noting what chatbots cannot do. They cannot always discern truth from error. Their information is almost limitless, but their intelligence is, at best, artificial. They repeat what they’ve read on the internet, but they can’t tell you if what they found there is true, virtuous or inspiring. And maybe most important, they can’t mimic the satisfaction and personal growth that comes from effort over time to create something.

Computer science professor Tony Martinez explained the problem this way: “People don’t like to do hard things when they don’t have to. As much as we know that work is good for us, we would rather eat a cookie and watch a show than do something really hard. When we have the option to let AI do the hard thing better than we’ve ever done, we miss out on the growth (see “I, Chatbot,” by Sara Smith Atwood and ChatGPT, Y Magazine, Spring 2023, magazine.byu.edu).

When a machine behaves like a human, we naturally wonder what makes us different from the machine. What does it mean to be human? This can lead our thoughts and hearts toward everlasting things. We long for not just what is efficient or effective but what is good and righteous. We seek the way, the truth and the life (see John 14:6). In our search, we discover that “the glory of God is intelligence” — not the artificial kind but the intelligence that God has placed inside each of His children, the “light and truth” (Doctrine and Covenants 93:36).

Professor Martinez says his religious beliefs, his spiritual outlook, provide perspective as he faces rapidly changing technology. He’s learned to look to God for trustworthy guidance and direction. Unlike a chatbot or any other artificial intelligence, God’s light and truth is a real and firm foundation for everlasting growth.

Music and The Spoken Word – 07/09/23